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Mazal Tov

The congregation and the NSJC Board of Trustees extends a mazal tov to the following B'nai Mitzvah and their families:

Danile Nemesure, son of Barbara & Seth Nemesure on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 10am


Matthew Blumenthal, son of Judy Bernstein & Jeremy Blumenthal z"l on Sunday, June 21, 2020 at 10:30am


Jacob Schwarzbard, son of Diana & Itchak Schwarzbard on July 11, 2020 at 9:45am


Zevi Asner, son of Haschmonit & David Asner in August, 2020


NSJC Sisterhood has received the Women's League of Conservative Judaism's Jewel in the Crown Award.  It will be presented at a WLCJ Virtual 2020 Convention ceremony on Sunday, Jly 12, 2020.


JoAnne & Marc Shapiro celebrate the birth of their granddaughter, Phoenix Margaret Shapiro, on May 17, 2020. She is welcomed by proud parents, Kirstin & Zachary Shapiro and grand aunt and grand uncle Phyllis & Jim Frank.


Arthur Golnick and Alan Golnick on the loss of their son and brother, Jay Golnick, on May 6, 2020


The Mendelsohn Family on the loss of Helene Mendelsohn on May 21, 2020.

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