Please see below for important dates and information about 2019 Pesach 5780.
1st Seder, Friday, 4/19 – Community Seder at NSJC, 7:30pm
2nd Seder, Saturday, 4/20 – Let us know if you need a place for the second seder.
Friday, April 19th - Eve of Passover
Siyyum Bechorim 6:45am (minyan)
Stop eating chametz by 10:35am
Chametz Burning – by 11:43am (meet at 11:30 to burn your chametz at NSJC)
Mincha/Ma’ariv – 7pm (at NSJC before the community seder)
Candle lighting is at 7:21pm
Saturday, April 20th - First Day of Passover
Shacharit – 9am
Mincha – following morning services
No Maariv
Candle lighting after 8:24pm
Second Seder - Contact us if you need a place for the 2nd Seder
Sunday, April 21st - Second Day of Passover
Shacharit – 9am
Mincha/Ma’ariv – 7:30pm
End of 2nd Festival day of Passover at 8:25pm
Weekday Shacharit for Chol ha-Moed at 6:45am
Thursday, April 25th - Eve of Seventh day Passover
Minchah/Maariv at 7:30pm
Candle lighting at 7:27pm
Friday, April 26th - Seventh Day of Passover
Shacharit at 9am
Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:30pm
Candle lighting 7:28pm
Saturday, April 27th - Eighth Day of Passover
Shacharit (during which Yizkor will take place) services begin 8:45am
Mincha/Ma’ariv – 7:30pm
Havdalah (End of Holiday) – 8:32pm
Holiday Ends: 8:32pm
“New” chametz bought from non-Jews can be eaten.
Not before 9:32pm – your “sold” chametz can be eaten (before this time it has yet to revert to your ownership, per the terms of your sale of chametz).